Cape Verde Accommodation has huge database of holiday lets from apartments to town houses and even villas. Simply send us details of how many people will be in your party and a sensible price you wish to pay for the period of your stay.It would be helpful if you have exact arrival and departure dates in mind to pin point accommodations with availability in that time frame. We then ask the providers/owners if they would accept your offer (please bear in mind that during peak times such as Christmas, New year and school holidays the base rate does go up.) then we can send you the shortlist of accommodations available for you. Once you have chosen your accommodation we then book it for you saving you the time and effort searching the internet. This is our way making your holiday a more pleasurable experience. The aim of this is so that the customer gets exactly what they are looking for at a price they can afford and means you can then budget for the rest of your holiday once the accommodation has been found for you.
Self catering accommodation gives you the benefits of your own space and privacy with the option to prepare your own meals and entertain. There are plenty of cheap places to eat full of local cuisine, snacks and buffets.
long let apartments can be tailored to your needs with options of bed and breakfast, half board, full board or all inclusive giving you the option to be fully catered for with the advantage of also being able to do your own thing. If you go all inclusive this does not mean you are tied to your accommodation and it is definitely recommended that you go out and explore!
Call Nikki & Tim +238 9866863 or Email